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Rogers Lake Authority Minutes 08/14/2018

A meeting of the Rogers Lake Authority (RLA) was convened at the Rogers Lake Clubhouse at 7:30 PM on August 14th. The following members were present: Dennis Overfield, Robert Recor, Toni Phillips, and Mark Hastings. Five local attendees were also present. The minutes were typed by Nicole Krol.
The meeting of the Rogers Lake Authority was called to order at 7:30pm by Dennis Overfield.
The minutes from July were read aloud, Bob made a motion to accept the minutes, Toni second, the motion passed unanimously.
Lake Patrol
There have not been any big issues on the lake.
Old Business
Tom Baehr proposed the drafted weed mat plan to the towns of Lyme and Old Lyme and they indicated RLA would not receive assistance in the program. Dennis has invited Sean McCarty, owner of Plantasia Landscape, he specializes in bed work landscaping. Sean would be interested in working with the RLA to fulfill the weed mats program. The board will update the weed mat program now that there is interest from a landscape company in servicing the targeted areas with the mats. The boat lift located in the boat launch area has hydraulic oil in it and it is made of galvanized steel which makes the removal more difficult. Dennis has a contact for possible removal and will follow up. The owners are aware the dock is exceeding 50 feet. If the RLA could help the owners to pull the dock to shore they would then be responsible to dispose of the dock. Parrot feather weed update: Dennis has been out in his kayak and has not spotted any more of the invasive weed. Dennis has reached out too many different lake quality representatives and they are quite impressed with the results of the parrot weed pulling.
New Business
During the post treatment weed survey Mark and Dennis toured the lake with Collin, who was pleasantly surprised with the lake treatment results. There has been very little additional weed growth. There are other herbicides available to treat the lake in the future. Collin recommended Mud Digestion pellets to rid the muck in the lake. You do not need a permit to put them into the lake. Mark has purchased the pellets to try around his dock, he will let the board know the results. The board discussed possible variables for the lack of weed growth this season. Bob collected rainfall totals for 2017 and 2018 through July. Rainfall total for 2017 through July was 30.6”. Total rainfall for 2018 through July
was 24.2”. In theory having less spring rainfall to wash the fertilizers into the lake in 2018 may have reduced the weed growth. Water temperatures can also affect the growth of the weeds. Bob spoke to LLH whom test for E.coli in the public beach areas, he is waiting for more detailed results. AER samples the lake water May-October, the testing is done in the two deepest parts of the lake. The report is typically sent out late fall, Dennis has requested a mid-season report.
There are many fishing tournaments and kayak events scheduled for end of august and September.
Mark asked: Are RLA members insured by the town? Yes, each member is insured.
CT Federate of Lakes will hold two conferences this fall, East Haddam on 9/29, and Danbury on 10/13. Dennis will be attending both conferences and invited the other board members to join. Dave Cleary joined the meeting, he is here visiting from California, he is impressed with the way the lake has improved since his last visit. Dennis has emailed the professor in charge of the alewives study asking if they would join a meeting to go over the study and the water quality tests.
A motion to adjourn was made by Mark, Bob second, motion passed by unanimous vote. The meeting ended at 8:25 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Nicole Krol, Secretary for RLA, 
The next meeting of the Rogers Lake Association will be on September 12th, at 7:30PM at the Rogers Lake West Shores Clubhouse.